So you can find the courage to take action, lead more effectively, and achieve the success you deserve. 

I help Quieter Leaders break free from people pleasing and imposter syndrome

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I'm an academically certified and internationally accredited coach who is  passionate about helping Quieter Leaders like you overcome imposter syndrome and people-pleasing. 

Because your ambition and drive, combined with your sensitivity, makes you more likely to doubt your expertise, ability and decisions.

Yet it's Quieter Leaders like you who change worlds - big and small. 

With the right support you can find what you need to rediscover your confidence, making great decisions without lying awake all night or trying to please everyone.

Hi, I am Clare Emma.


— C.N.

I am more empowered at work and in my private life, and more understanding and compassionate towards myself and others''

— S.H.

This was a hugely powerful and transformative experience for me''

— C.E.

Your coaching has helped me to make a decision about my future career and find a new role that I’m really excited about''

Ready for more...?

Learn more about my private 1:1 coaching package